Witch Club Satan
Witch Club Satan

«Witch Club Satan» it the self-titled album of the new, Norwegian black metal phenomenon.

Witch Club Satan plays black metal that is close to the original black metal from the late 80s, and even closer it’s punk roots.

The feminist agenda, and feminine powers shines through the album, and the music is said function as witches' spells.

Recorded in Studio Tomb.
Producers: Vetle Junker and Sindre Nicolaisen

Mix: Vetle Junker

Master: Martin Bowitz

Cover Photo: Helge Brekke
Cover: Nikoline Spjelkavik and God Strek

Supported by Creo and FFUK



8/10 ⭐️

Witch Club Satan haven't merely entered the black metal

arena, they've stormed it, brandishing a banner of innovation and audacity.



«Witch Club Satan» is explosive, hissing, barking, and offers extreme metal on a very solid level.



(...) The combination of the raw and unpolished, and the melodic skills and the range in the vocals, elevates Witch Club Satan to a dimension of its own.

(…) eating their male colleagues as stale altar bread.



I hope it’s ok to shed a tear to a metall record



A very exciting, challenging band that glows brighter than 666 influencers.

File under:
Metal  ›  Black Metal
1. Birth
2. Fresh Blood, Fresh Pussy
3. Black Metal is Krig
4. Steilneset
5. Reverse This Fuck
6. Mother Sea
7. Hysteria
8. Wild Whores
9. Hex
10. I Was Made by Fire
11. Salvation
12. Mother