Camilla Hole, Johannes Solvang, OJKOS

In MINIATYRLAND you get to experience the chamber musical side of OJKOS, where wind instruments, cello and vocals play an exciting and supporting role, in addition to the regular accompanist group. One gets close to the various colors and nuances the different instruments offer, in a playful universe where whimsical melodies and abstract improvisations walk hand in hand. Song titles such as “Katten er løs” (The cat is loose), “Isbjørnmarsj” (Polar bear march) and “Fenghette” (Explosives) invite us to dream further into the music.

Camilla Hole - soprano saxophone
Johannes Fosse Solvang - trombone

Siril Malmedal Hauge - voice
Henrietten Hvidsten Eilertsen - flute
Marie Rotevatn - clarinet and bass clarinet
Ellen-Martine Gismervik - cello
Richard Köster - trumpet
Lyder Øvreås Røed - trumpet
Tancred Heyerdahl Husø - trumpet
Andreas Rotevatn - trombone
Kristoffer Håvik - piano
Arne Martin Nybo - guitar
Mike McCormick - guitar
Alexander Hoholm - bass
Knut Kvifte Nesheim - drums


Label Taragot Sounds TARAGOT37
UPC 7041889512492
PPD 75,-
1 Katten er løs
2 Dromedardans
3 Hundene i San Francisco
4 Isbjørnmarsj
5 Pusletid
6 Lillefingermelodier
7 Ojkostimen
8 Fenghette
9 Miniatyrland I
10 Minitaryland II
11 Fjomsedyret
12 Isbjørnparadis